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  • notes中文精读
  • 考试手册一本通
  • 官方考纲及解析
  • 财大课程安排费用
  • 金融英语词汇
  • 考前总结汇总


Exam Structure and Timing(CFA三级考试结构和时间安排)

The Level III exam consists of item set and constructed response(essay)questions:

Morning session:Constructed response(essay)questions(usually between 8 and 12 questions,each with several subparts)with a maximum of 180 points.(The point value for each question is provided in the exam book.)

Afternoon session:10 item set questions.

Exam Question Format(CFA三级考试试题格式)

When you prepare for the Level III exam,remember to review the Level II item set question details.

Constructed Response(Essay)Questions

Each essay question has two or more parts(A,B,etc.)and one or both of the following types of designated answer pages:

One type of answer page is an unlined page,clearly labeled for that question part.You are free to write your response as needed on that page.

The other type of answer page has a structured set of boxes.The boxes are clearly labeled for that question part and provide a visual structure to guide you in writing your responses.

Your Essay Exam Book(关于论文考试答题卡)

Read and follow the instructions on the front cover and throughout the exam book.

Page one of the exam book lists all the questions on the exam as well as the topic and the minutes allocated for each question.

The heading where a question begins states the number of parts in that question and the total number of minutes allocated.For example:“Question 2 has two parts(A,B)for a total of 18 minutes”

Instructions in bold print immediately following the question direct you to the designated answer page for each question part.For example:"Answer 2A on page 17”.

Exam Grading and Results(关于CFA三级考试通过率和成绩公布)

Level III exam results are available within 90 days following your exam.




